Louis Vuitton bag is a combination of exquisite workmanship and superb detailing with their perfect cut, stamped logos, locks, date codes and serial numbers. That is why LV bags enjoy good reputation in the society.
As a top luxury consumable, Louis Vuitton products original from France and are created by the top designer Louis Vuitton. Nowadays LV products are so popular in the world and the name of Louis Vuitton is well known to the world too. With these fashion and attractive LV products, LV bags are so outstanding. Like other products, Louis Vuitton bags catch customer’s eyes by its unique shape and AAA quality.
As LV bags designed for men and women, you can buy it in every exclusive store or some big malls. Especially for LV bags for women, we can say their products sit on the top luxury position in the world; their design for women is so novelty and fantastic, they always leading the fashion orientation. And they own the latest materials for LV bags. That is why they are so proud of their design and sales idea on their bags. Because they deserve this kind of honor.
lv damier graphite handbag also known by the square shape,matching with adjustable canvas shoulder strap,exquisite and convenience.
lv damier graphite handbag features:
damier canvas
patch pocket in front
adjustable canvas shoulder strap
zip closure
interior patch pocket and cell phone pocket
interior louis vuitton signature patch
fabric lining
Each lv damier graphite handbag comes with serial number,dust cover,receipt,certificate card & care booklet.